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Everything you need to know about DTC growth marketing in 2024 with Jake Madoff | D2C Stories

Weekly D2C Stories from successful brands, experts, and DTC enthusiasts. This time featuring Jake Madoff

Hey there! It's Berkay, your host, coming to you today.

Get ready for a quick recap of our chat with Jake Madoff, the growth guru and Head of Growth Marketing at Everytable, containing the complete growth marketing guide for 2024!

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Everything you need to know about DTC growth marketing in 2024

In the latest episode of our podcast, we had an eye-opening conversation with Jake!

He is no stranger to the hustle, starting back in 2014 with Trade Made, an app that traded goods.

Fast forward to today, and Jake's leading Everytable's growth, a brand making affordable and healthy food a mission. Think grab-and-go meals that nail convenience, affordability, and healthiness.

What's Jake's secret sauce, you ask? Well get ready, because we're diving into Google tricks, social media magic, A/B testing wonders, and more!

You can listen to the episode on Spotify, Google, or Apple Podcast!

📷 The ad creative for DTCs

A/B Testing for Ad Creatives. A/B testing is crucial for optimizing ad creatives. It's an ongoing process that involves testing different variations to find what resonates best with the target audience.

🖼️ How does Everytable do it? Everytable focuses on two main creative categories – close-up macro shots emphasizing food quality and comparison ads showing their value compared to other options.



💲 Transparent Pricing in Ads. Everytable displays prices in their ads, promoting affordability as a key message. This transparent approach distinguishes them from companies that reveal prices after clicking on an ad.

Do you add price tags to your creatives?

📈 The Google game 

Their Google strategy involves meticulous campaign structuring, keyword optimization, and success with Performance Max campaigns.

📊 Performance Marketing Focus. Jake emphasizes performance marketing, allocating resources to direct action ads, especially on YouTube's Performance Max format.

🔄 Retargeting on YouTube. Everytable uses precise retargeting on YouTube for specific outcomes, prioritizing engagement over generic brand awareness.

💰 Google’s budget distribution problem. Jake doesn’t believe Google does a bad job at distributing the budget across different ad sets. So he creates campaigns for each ad.

🔍 Caution on Demand Gen. Jake is cautious about Google's Demand Gen campaigns, deeming them potentially early in their development for efficient conversions.

Google’s new Demand Gen campaigns

🎥 Social Media Ads

📘 Meta Advertising Insights. Meta campaigns, especially on Facebook, are optimized by stacking different local audiences.

Jake employs a strategic approach to creating lookalike audiences:

1. Broad 10% Lookalike on Visitors: Targets website visitors and generates a lookalike audience based on their interests and behavior, expanding reach to a broader audience interested in the product or service.

2. Lookalike on Social Media Followers: Targets individuals similar to existing social media followers, increasing the likelihood of engagement and gaining new followers.

3. High-Value Customer List: Targets those who have made purchases or shown significant interest, aiming to boost repeat sales and cultivate a loyal customer base.

🎯 TikTok Ads. For Tiktok, Jake recommends TikTok for one large interest group. Cost cap bid strategies work well on TikTok, and a staggered publishing approach helps combat ad creative fatigue.

🚀 Future of Growth Marketing

🤖 AI Advancement. Jake anticipates AI improvements in image-based creative and more refined ad copy, aiming to enhance the efficiency of the ad creation process.

🌐 Multitouch Marketing. Emphasizing a shift from reliance on a single platform, Jake recommends a presence on various platforms, including Meta, search engines, YouTube, and TikTok, for broader brand awareness.

📏 Attribution Measurement. Jake highlights the ongoing importance of attribution measurement, anticipating solutions for privacy challenges and noting Meta's upcoming click-based attribution setting.

🤝 Community Building: Recognizing community building as crucial, Jake suggests investing in efforts that foster a sense of belonging, leveraging strategies like newsletters and emails for shared values.

👤 Personal Branding: Stressing the value of a continuous investment in social media presence, Jake advocates for consistency and long-term commitment, especially for smaller brands, emphasizing the combination of community building and personal branding for future success.

Hope you find these insights useful. If you want to get even more D2C growth marketing wisdom, visit our website for a complete guide or listen to the podcast episode!


  1. 😬😂

  1. Keep up with the hustle!

  1. Give this to us, Google!


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